In our interconnected world

by Leo Molina, Senior Software Architect
As a frequent traveler, I have personally experienced limitations in my ability to reach telecommunications service providers, especially those tasked with aiding International visitors. Perhaps you have experienced the same. In our interconnected world, it is critical to provide voice as well as SMS text coverage to both domestic and International wireless phones.
As we all continue to rely on emergent communications technologies, AGENT511 understands the importance of having our messages delivered and received. Partnering with our clients, we were asked to address specific concerns related to messaging, documentation, and spam filters. We’ve used our work and successes with our clients to enhance our existing platforms which expand connectivity for International travellers.
This work adds features and access for both inbound and proactive communication campaigns. One such feature is the ability to displaying information in numerous foreign languages, which is especially important for clients using their communication for emergency dispatch and information exchange. The ability to manage language in these situations and the ability to receive SMS messages to local phone numbers and respond using the requisite choice of domestic and/or International numbers is life-saving, literally.
As we proceeded with testing these enhancements, we evaluated foreign character support and saw that with improved Unicode character coding, we could send and receive messages in languages such as Chinese, Arabic, and Russian. Continuing on this path, led us to extend automated language translation from English, Spanish, and French to a wide array of languages. These enhancements greatly expand our SMS text solution to achieve and exceed parity with voice solutions and moreover, reach International phones in service to US and International markets without significant changes to the platforms.
We’re proud of our platform enhancements and thrilled to be working with clients who seek continuing growth and excellence. Some opportunities include traveler assistance, contact centers serving transient populations, and global organizations looking to serve International customers on our feature-rich TEXTBLUE and REACH communication platforms.